unsolicited telephone calls造句


  1. A state legislature enacts a statue that prohibits the marketing of products through unsolicited telephone calls.
  2. Requiring broking firms to tape-record unsolicited telephone calls made by them would suffice to protect consumers effectively.
  3. After Carmichael's call, the Globe received an unsolicited telephone call from Peter Ross, Carmichael's counterpart in the Unification Church.
  4. Finally, the prohibition of unsolicited telephone calls is limited to the sector in which abuses have been found, namely the commodities futures market.
  5. Such a charge would include unsolicited telephone calls at " odd hours in the day and night after you've been warned " not to call, Ramanna said.
  6. It's difficult to find unsolicited telephone calls in a sentence. 用unsolicited telephone calls造句挺难的
  7. There is a whole industry dedicated to making unsolicited telephone calls to this group in the hope of exploiting the ones who are unable to distinguish between the honest and the dishonest.
  8. In November 2012 the Information Commissioner's Office publicly listed British Gas as one of a number of companies that it had concerns about due to unsolicited telephone calls for marketing.
  9. The mayor, in a public appearance and two unsolicited telephone calls to a reporter, said the only way Ms . Messinger could save that money was by reducing the police force.
  10. In November 2012 the Information Commissioner's Office ( ICO ) publicly listed ScottishPower as one of a number of companies that it had concerns about due to unsolicited telephone calls for marketing.
  11. In November 2012 the Information Commissioner's Office ( ICO ) publicly listed TalkTalk as one of a number of companies that it had concerns about due to unsolicited telephone calls for marketing.
  12. It said employees and agents of Citibank and the Indian bank, in a " widespread and aggressive " campaign, mailed marketing material to about 90, 000 Indians and also made unsolicited telephone calls to sell the bonds.
  13. Through seven years of common tenure with Mayor Ed Koch and four with Mayor David Dinkins, the governor never accepted unsolicited telephone calls from those fellow Democrats without first having his top aides call their top aides to find out what was afoot.
  14. "Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau due to unanswered complaints . . ., " the bureau's Web site said . " The BBB has received a pattern of complaints stating that the consumers have received unsolicited telephone calls from the company guaranteeing a government grant of $ 8, 000, $ 25, 000 or more for a fee ranging from $ 199 to $ 249.
  15. Additionally, Gordon believed that the instantaneous accessibility the phone made possible represented a dangerous potential that a foreign government or any unscrupulous commercial entity, could easily abuse . ( of course, Gordon's heightened privacy concerns during the 1960s parallel the level of umbrage-indeed, even outrage-that exists today regarding the annoying automated telephone calls and E-mail spam that people must endure . ) Gordon began to write about this topic . one of his articles, entitled " Invasion of Privacy : The Unsolicited Telephone Call, " was published in the " International Journal of Law and Science ".


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